It might be more efficient to use 3D mapping with very large maps since it can recycle the memory used for the displaced geometry.

For large displaced surfaces like oceans or mountains the 2D mapping (landscape) method might work better, but this method keeps the displacement map in a precompiled state in memory, so large displacement maps can take up a lot of memory. Since the introduction of dynamic geometry handling, 3D displacement has become a lot faster with similar or better results when compared to 2D displacement. Note: In older V-Ray versions, there was a great difference between the performance of the two mapping methods, with 2D mapping (landscape) being faster than 3D mapping in many cases. For more information, see the Subdivision Displacement example below. To only smooth the object without applying a displacement map, use this option and set the Amount parameter to 0.0.

Other polygons are first converted to triangles.

For quadrangular portions, the Catmull-Clark scheme is used. For triangular portions of a mesh, the Loop subdivision scheme is used. Subdivision – Similar to the 3D mapping method, with the difference that it applies a subdivision scheme to edges (similar to a MeshSmooth modifier) rather than simply subdividing triangles. The object does not need to have UV coordinates. This method can also use the displacement map specified in the object's material. It can be applied for arbitrary displacement maps with any kind of mapping. 3D mapping – A general method which takes the original surface geometry and subdivides its triangles into smaller subtriangles which are then displaced. The displacement map can take any values. You cannot use this method for 3D procedural textures or other textures that use object or world coordinates. However, it requires that the object has valid UV coordinates. The advantage of this method is that it preserves all the details in the displacement map. The actual raytracing of the displaced surface is done in texture space, and the result is mapped back into 3D space. The displaced surface is rendered as a warped height-field based on that texture map. Type – The method used to apply displacement mapping:ĢD mapping (landscape) – Bases the displacement on a texture map that is known in advance. While all displacement via VRayDisplacementMod relies on a texture for the displacement information, there are a few different ways V-Ray can interpret the texture and prepare the mesh for displacement.