– The Marvel logo unfurls over the sound of news reports that serve as a quick recap of the events of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Here are the many, many references and easter eggs sprinkled throughout Peter’s crazy, magical adventure into the multiverse, which leaves him with No Way Home. Thanks to an ill-advised team-up with a wizard, heroes and villains from other continuities and past movie franchises show up, including a bizarre cameo from a drunken wild card trying to make sense of this madness.

In what we can best describe as the end of the “Son of Stark” era of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, our hero goes big.

Spider-Man reaches the end of a trilogy, which in its way now feels like the culmination of a trilogy of Spider-Man sagas.

This article contains Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers as well as potential spoilers for the wider MCU.