Dragonframe 3
Dragonframe 3

dragonframe 3

If you are on the ST4, you may also use RC007_58_SP2.

  • Update - eMotimo ST4 or ST4.3 with firmware RC008_19.
  • Its functionality and usage are well documented in their online references. This article is not meant to be a general how-to on using Dragonframe. Be sure to check out this demonstration video: Now it can also be used for programming and playing real-time moves. It can also be used for timelapse and programming very complex keyframed moves. Dragonframe ( ) is a powerful stopframe animation package. The purpose of this article is to give a brief overview of how to get started with using Dragonframe and the eMotimo spectrum ST4 using the real-time interface.

    dragonframe 3

    In May 2022 eMotimo spectrum ST4.3 was the first 7 axis Dragonframe Real Time controller to use Tilta Nucleus M Motors.

    dragonframe 3

    This is great news and a good feather in our cap and is still the only US based motion control company to do it! In 2019 eMotimo's spectrum ST4 was officially approved to be the first 3rd Party Motion Controller to natively support real-time motion.

    Dragonframe 3